Mortgage financing doesn't have to be difficult. We can do this together, here's the plan...

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The best place to start is to connect with me directly. The mortgage process is personal, and it can be daunting. My commitment to you is that I'll listen to all your needs, assess your financial situation, and provide you with a plan to move forward. 

Evaluate Options

Once we’ve had a look at your financial situation, we’ll consider a variety of mortgage options, I’ll outline what documents are necessary to qualify for a mortgage, negotiate with the lenders on your behalf, and arrange the mortgage that best suits your needs.

Rest Easy

Once we’ve arranged the mortgage product that best suits your needs, you’re not alone. I’m your mortgage professional for life. If you’ve got questions in the years to come, I’m always available to make sure that your mortgage is working for you, and not the other way around!

I am a Certified Financial Planner ® and have over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry. I understand that a mortgage is typically the single largest financial commitment that a person will make in their lifetime. 

I provide holistic financial solutions for my clients based on their life goals and not just on what they qualify for. I work for my clients, not for a financial institution which allows me to select the best possible solution to meet the unique needs of each client.

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By Ian Vowles 24 Sep, 2024
As the name implies, a cashback mortgage is similar to a standard mortgage, except that you receive a lump sum of cash upon closing. This lump sum will either be a fixed amount of money or a percentage of the mortgage amount, usually between 1-7%, depending on the mortgage term selected. How you use the cash is entirely up to you. Some of the most common reasons to secure a cashback mortgage are to: Cover closing costs. Buy new furniture. Renovate your property. Supplement cashflow. Consolidate higher-interest debt. Really, you can use the cash for anything you like. It’s tax-free and paid to you directly once the mortgage closes. Understanding the cost of a cashback mortgage. Now, while it might appear like a cashback mortgage is a great way to get some free money, it’s not. Banks aren’t altruistic; they’re in the business of making money by lending money. Securing a mortgage that provides you with cash back at closing will cost you a higher interest rate over your mortgage term. A cashback mortgage is like getting a fixed loan rolled into your mortgage. Your interest rate is increased to cover the additional funds being lent. Now, with so many different cashback options available and with interest rates constantly changing, it's nearly impossible to run through specific calculations on a simple article to outline how much more you’d pay over the term. So, if you'd like to identify the true cost of securing a cashback mortgage, the best place to start is to discuss your financial situation with an independent mortgage professional. When you work with an independent mortgage professional instead of a single bank, you receive unbiased advice, more financing options, and a clear picture of the cost associated with securing a mortgage. Getting cashback at closing is a mortgage feature that makes the bank more money at your expense. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; the key is to be informed of the costs involved so you can make a good decision. Eligibility for a cashback mortgage. Simply put, a cashback mortgage isn’t for everyone. This is a mortgage product that has tougher qualifications than standard mortgage financing. Any lender willing to offer a cashback mortgage will want to see that you have stable employment, a fabulous credit score, and healthy debt service ratios. If your mortgage application is in any way “unique,” the chances of qualifying for a cashback mortgage are pretty slim. Breaking your mortgage term early. In addition to paying a higher interest rate to cover the cost of receiving the cashback at closing, a cashback mortgage also limits your options down the line. If your life circumstances change and you need to break your mortgage mid-term, depending on the conditions set out in your mortgage contract, you’ll most likely be required to either pay all of the cashback received or at least a portion, depending on how long you’ve had the mortgage. As all cashback mortgages are tied to fixed-rate terms, so in addition to repaying the cashback, you’d also be required to pay the interest rate differential penalty; or 3 months interest, whichever is greater for breaking your mortgage term early. Sufficed to say, should you need to pay out your mortgage early, breaking your cashback mortgage will be costly. Certainly, this is something to consider when assessing the suitability of this mortgage product. Get independent mortgage advice. Understanding the intricacies of mortgage financing can be difficult at the best of times. With all the different terms, rates, and mortgage products available, it’s hard to know which mortgage is best for you. So while a mortgage that offers a cash incentive upon closing might initially seem like an attractive offer, make sure you seek out the guidance of an independent mortgage professional to help you navigate the costs associated with a cashback mortgage. While it might be a great option for you, there might be other mortgage options that better suit your needs. It's worth a conversation for sure! If you’d like to discuss what a cashback mortgage or any other mortgage product would look like for you, please get in touch. It would be a pleasure to work with you.
By Ian Vowles 17 Sep, 2024
In Budget 2024, the Canadian government introduced significant changes to help first-time homebuyers by extending mortgage amortization periods up to 30 years for those purchasing newly built homes. Effective August 1, 2024, this change will help ease monthly mortgage payments, making homeownership more accessible. Key Eligibility Criteria for First-Time Buyers: First-Time Buyer Status: At least one borrower must qualify as a first-time homebuyer, meaning they have either never owned a home, haven't lived in a home they owned in the past four years, or recently went through a marriage breakdown. Newly Built Homes: The property must be a newly constructed home that has never been occupied. These extended mortgages will only apply to high-ratio mortgages (loans covering more than 80% of the home’s purchase price) and are limited to owner-occupied properties. All other mortgage insurance eligibility criteria remain unchanged. CMHC’s New Amortization Rules for Market MLI and MLI Select Programs The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has also introduced changes. As of June 19, 2024, the maximum amortization period for new construction market projects will increase from 40 years to 50 years. Additionally, the maximum period for re-amortization (for default management) will extend to 55 years for loans under the MLI Select Program. These changes aim to encourage the construction of more rental housing units while managing housing affordability. CMHC’s modifications also include updates to energy efficiency criteria, lowering the maximum points from 100 to 50 based on energy efficiency, which means developers may need to shift focus toward affordable units to receive maximum benefits. Changes to "Use of Funds" and Refinancing CMHC has lifted restrictions on how refinanced funds can be used, reverting to pre-2020 rules. This allows non-approved lenders to offer bridge loans, creating more flexibility in financing options. Environmental Site Contamination Policies In response to industry practices, CMHC is reviewing its environmental site contamination policies. For now, projects with known site contamination will be accepted under conditional approval, pending a contamination-free site confirmation. Why These Changes Matter For first-time homebuyers, the ability to spread mortgage payments over 30 years is a welcome relief in today’s housing market, particularly for newly built homes. These changes are designed to improve housing affordability and supply, especially for younger Canadians looking to purchase their first home. Meanwhile, CMHC’s new rules around extended amortizations and energy efficiency adjustments will have a significant impact on developers, especially those focused on building rental properties or using energy-efficient technologies in their projects. If you're considering buying a home or developing a property, these changes could impact your strategy. To fully understand how these updates may apply to your situation, it's important to consult with a mortgage expert who can offer personalized advice. Want to know how these changes could affect your home buying or property development plans? Book a call with a mortgage expert today to explore your options!
By Ian Vowles 17 Sep, 2024
As of August 1, 2024, the federal government introduced changes to support homebuyers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z. First-time homebuyers purchasing new builds can now access 30-year insured mortgage amortizations , reducing monthly payments and making it easier to afford a home. Additionally, as of December 15, 2024, several major reforms will take effect: The price cap for insured mortgages will rise from $1 million to $1.5 million, helping more Canadians qualify for mortgages with less than 20% down. 30-year amortizations will be available to all first-time homebuyers and buyers of new builds , including condominiums. This expansion will incentivize new housing supply, addressing the country’s housing shortage and making homeownership more accessible. These reforms are part of a broader housing strategy that includes the Canadian Mortgage Charter , which enables insured mortgage holders to switch lenders without undergoing a new stress test at renewal. This promotes competition among lenders, ensuring more Canadians can access better mortgage deals. In addition to these housing measures, the government has introduced the Renters' Bill of Rights and the Home Buyers' Bill of Rights to protect Canadians from unfair practices, ensure transparency in leases and sales, and simplify homebuying procedures. With $5 billion available through the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund , the federal government is working with provinces and territories to make housing fairer and more accessible for all Canadians. Stay tuned for further updates, and if you’re planning to buy a home or need more information, book a call with me to learn how these new rules can benefit you!
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